Japanese Title: ギリギリchop English Title: On the edge chop Description:
Opening 6 From Anime:
Detective Conan
(名探偵コナン) Performed by:
B'z Lyrics by:
Koshi Inaba Composed by:
Tak Matsumoto Arranged by:
Tak Matsumoto
, Koshi Inaba Episodes:
143 (May 3, 1999)-167 (November 8, 1999) From the Albums:
No matter what magazine I flip through It's no good and I can't help but sigh There no such thing as clothes that'll look good on me End of the century fashion color
I can't match everything to your tastes So sorry to disappoint you
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
I can't go on without being on the edge I beg of you, please don't look at me with such cold eyes Let me do things at my own pace Otherwise, I won't make it far without crashing down
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
[Full Version]
No matter what magazine I flip through It's no good and I can't help but sigh There no such thing as clothes that'll look good on me End of the century fashion color
I can't match everything to your tastes So sorry to disappoint you
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
By now I bet there no one is worried about me It's alright if you go ahead and attack It's not that I'm reckless or anything I use my head somewhat too
From time to time the strain and the pain Feel good or something
The feeling of being on the edge is what I like I'll only bathe in this lukewarm hot springs for a little while Afflicted by a risky pleasure I'd be missing out if I couldn't enjoy it
It's a little different from simply being on a constant high If you can't show your resolve, then everybody will be laughing at you behind your back again
I can't go on without being on the edge I beg of you, please don't look at me with such cold eyes Let me do things at my own pace Otherwise, I won't make it far without crashing down
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
No matter what magazine I flip through It's no good and I can't help but sigh There no such thing as clothes that'll look good on me End of the century fashion color
I can't match everything to your tastes So sorry to disappoint you
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
I can't go on without being on the edge I beg of you, please don't look at me with such cold eyes Let me do things at my own pace Otherwise, I won't make it far without crashing down
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
[Full Version]
No matter what magazine I flip through It's no good and I can't help but sigh There no such thing as clothes that'll look good on me End of the century fashion color
I can't match everything to your tastes So sorry to disappoint you
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright
By now I bet there no one is worried about me It's alright if you go ahead and attack It's not that I'm reckless or anything I use my head somewhat too
From time to time the strain and the pain Feel good or something
The feeling of being on the edge is what I like I'll only bathe in this lukewarm hot springs for a little while Afflicted by a risky pleasure I'd be missing out if I couldn't enjoy it
It's a little different from simply being on a constant high If you can't show your resolve, then everybody will be laughing at you behind your back again
I can't go on without being on the edge I beg of you, please don't look at me with such cold eyes Let me do things at my own pace Otherwise, I won't make it far without crashing down
On the edge, just like walking along a cliff What's wrong with me tottering a bit? Because even then, I have no where to go but forward In my case, things'll be alright