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Linked Horizon - Shoukei to Shikabane no Michi Lyrics

Attack on Titan Season 3 Opening 2 Lyrics

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[TV Version]

Ano hi jinrui wa omoidashita

Usuyami no naka susumu kage wa
Daremo kokoro motonaku
Futashika na mirai wa itsudatte
Hakuhyou no ue ni saku
Yoru wa otozureru tabi ni ikudo mo
Tsumetaite de oretachi no kubisuji wo yasashiku nadeta
Tasogare wo uragitte tomoru kibou no se ni sugari
Oikaketa jigoku e to mukatte iru to shittemo

Yume no tsuzuki ga mitai nara omae wa nani wo sashidaseru
Akuma wa amaku sasayaita
Shikabane de michi wo tsukure
Kono kabe no mukō ni nani ga aru
Osanaki hibi ni akogareta
Shinjitsu ga sugu soko ni aru
Shikabane no michi no saki ni

Yumiya ga kakenuketa kiseki tsubasa wo chirashite
Shinzō wo tabanete mo
Requiem ni wa haya sugiru
Taiyō wa mada shizunde inai no da kara

Nami no kanata e

[Full Version:]

(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und der Leichen)

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Ano hi jinrui wa omoidashita

Usuyami no naka susumu kage wa daremo kokoromoto naku
Futashika na mirai wa itsudatte hakuhyou no ue ni saku
Yoru wa otozureru tabi ni ikudo mo
Tsumetai te de oretachi no kubisuji wo yasashiku nadeta

Tasogare wo uragitte tomoru kibou no se ni sugari
Oikaketa jigoku e to mukatteru to shitemo

Yume no tsuzuki ga mitai nara omae wa nani wo sashidaseru?
Akuma wa amaku sasayaita shikabane de michi wo tsukure
Kono kabe no mukou ni nani ga aru?
Osanaki hibi ni akogareta shinjitsu wa sugu soko ni aru
Shikabane no michi no saki ni

Hakoniwa de kurikaesu itami to urami no ruupu
Nagarekomu kioku no hate jiyuu no imi wo tou
Aa... kanousei ni michiteita hazu no
Shounentachi no utsuwa ni unmei wa sorezore nani wo fukikonda
Sore wa dare no higan ka dare no yume ka
Kanashimi nikushimi ga majiwatte
Guren no ya wa tagai wo mezasu
Tori no tsubasa ni akogareta hito wa sora e to habatakeru
Akuma wa zuruku usobuita shikabane yo michi wo tadore
Kono sora no mukou ni nani ga aru?
Osanaki hibi ni torawareta
Sekijitsu no hi ga terashidasu shikabane no michi no saki wo

Sora no ue kara mitara ittai nani ga mieru no darou
Koko de wa nai dokoka e itte mitakatta
Osanaki hibi ni yumemita hiroi sekai no hate ni wa
Memai wo oboeru hodo fujouri ga hisomu
Jiyuu wo yumemita daishou wa tsumetai tsuchi no beddo
Toki ni kami no sugata karite seigi wa kiba wo muku
Ori no naka mo ori no soto mo hitoshiku jigoku ka.......

Tsumi no omosa wo seou hodo fumidasu ashi ni imi ga aru
Akuma wa hikuku tsubuyaita shikabane no michi wo susume
Kono yami no mukou ni nani ga aru?
Osanaki hibi ni norowareta genjitsu wa itsu mukuwareru?
Shikabane no michi no saki de
《yumiya》 ga kakenuketa kiseki
《tsubasa》 wo chirashite
《shinzou》 wo tabanetemo
《rekuiemu》 ni wa hayasugiru
Taiyou wa mada shizundeinai no dakara

Susumi tsuzukeru nami no kanata e...
[ Correct these Lyrics ]

[TV Version]

That day, humanity remembered

The shadows moving through the darkness give you an uneasy feeling
The uncertain future blooms on the thin ice, ready to be picked up
Every time night's curtain fell, our napes were touched by those cold, menacing hands

Turning our backs on the dusk, We clung to the back of hope
And we pursued the truth, well knowing we are heading straight to hell
What will you relinquish to make this dream come true?
The devil temptingly whispers "Tread your path with corpses"
"What lies beyond these walls?" This is the truth we pursued in our youthful days
We can finally grasp the truth, we just need to tread on the corpses

The arrows will fly over their heads
We will spread our wings and fly
Our hearts will be bundled up
But it is still too early to sing a requiem
As the sun is yet to submerge behind the horizon

And we will follow the waves that are straying from us...

[Full Version]

(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und der Leichen)

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That day, humanity remembered

The shadows moving through the darkness give you an uneasy feeling
The uncertain future blooms on the thin ice, ready to be picked up
Every time night's curtain fell, our napes were touched by those cold, menacing hands

Turning our backs on the dusk, We clung to the back of hope
And we pursued the truth, well knowing we are heading straight to hell
What will you relinquish to make this dream come true?
The devil temptingly whispers "Tread your path with corpses"
"What lies beyond these walls?" This is the truth we pursued in our youthful days
We can finally grasp the truth, we just need to tread on the corpses

The cycle of remorse and resentment resounds in our small birdcage
And at the far-away end of our memories, we ask ourselves "what is the meaning of freedom?"
Ah... The young vessels who have fallen in the whirlpool of possibilities
What will the zephyr of fate offer them?
Was it someone's vow to save humanity? Or was it someone else's aspiration?
Sorrow and hatred change places
But the crimson arrow aims for both
Humanity yearned for wings, so they flew to the skies
But the deceitful devil lies about everything he sees, as we follow the path of corpses
"What lies on the other side of the sky?"
In our youthful days we were just captive animals
But now, the light of the long-gone days shines and lights our path corpses

I wonder what you would see from up the skies
I wanted to go to another place far away from here
I always dreamed in my youthful days that the edge of this world
Would be something that would exceed my expectations and astonish me with its grandeur
The price of wanting freedom is a frozen bed of dirt
Sometimes we lend the face of God and justice shows us its fangs
Just like living inside a cage was hell so is living outside of it

Even though we are burdened by our sins, heading forward still has a meaning
The devil mutters "Follow the path of corpses"
"What lies beyond this darkness?"
"The truth we were cursed with in our youth!"
Someday we will be rewarded, by following the path of corpses

The arrows will fly over their heads
We will spread our wings and fly
Our hearts will be bundled up
But it is still too early to sing a requiem
As the sun is yet to submerge behind the horizon

And we will follow the waves that are straying from us...
[ Correct these Lyrics ]



黄昏を裏切って 灯る希望の背に縋り
追いかけた 地獄へと向かっていると知っても





(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und der Leichen)



薄闇の中進む影は 誰も心許なく
不確かな未来はいつだって 薄氷の上に咲く
冷たい手で俺たちの首筋を 優しく撫でた
黄昏を裏切って 灯る希望の背に縋り
追いかけた 地獄へと 向かってるとしても

夢の続きが見たいなら お前は何を差し出せる?
悪魔は甘く囁いた 屍で道を作れ
幼き日々に憧れた 真実はすぐそこにある

箱庭で繰り返す 悼みと恨みのループ
流れ込む記憶の果て 自由の意味を問う
少年達の器に 運命は其々 何を吹き込んだ
それは 誰の悲願か 誰の夢か
悲しみ 憎しみが交わって
鳥の翼に憧れた 人は空へと羽ばたける
悪魔は狡く嘯いた 屍よ道を辿れ
昔日の灯が照らし出す 屍の道の先を

空の上から見たら 一体何が見えるのだろう
ここではない何処かへ 行ってみたかった
幼き日々に夢見た 広い世界の果てには
目眩を覚えるほど 不条理が潜む
自由を夢見た代償は 冷たい土のベッド
時に神の姿借りて 正義は牙を剥く
檻の中も檻の外も 等しく地獄か……。

罪の重さを背負うほど 踏み出す足に意味がある
悪魔は低く呟いた 屍の道を進め
幼き日々に呪われた 現実はいつ報われる?

進み続ける 波の彼方へ…
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[TV Version]

Ano hi jinrui wa omoidashita

Usuyami no naka susumu kage wa
Daremo kokoro motonaku
Futashika na mirai wa itsudatte
Hakuhyou no ue ni saku
Yoru wa otozureru tabi ni ikudo mo
Tsumetaite de oretachi no kubisuji wo yasashiku nadeta
Tasogare wo uragitte tomoru kibou no se ni sugari
Oikaketa jigoku e to mukatte iru to shittemo

Yume no tsuzuki ga mitai nara omae wa nani wo sashidaseru
Akuma wa amaku sasayaita
Shikabane de michi wo tsukure
Kono kabe no mukō ni nani ga aru
Osanaki hibi ni akogareta
Shinjitsu ga sugu soko ni aru
Shikabane no michi no saki ni

Yumiya ga kakenuketa kiseki tsubasa wo chirashite
Shinzō wo tabanete mo
Requiem ni wa haya sugiru
Taiyō wa mada shizunde inai no da kara

Nami no kanata e

[Full Version:]

(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und der Leichen)

Ano hi jinrui wa omoidashita

Usuyami no naka susumu kage wa daremo kokoromoto naku
Futashika na mirai wa itsudatte hakuhyou no ue ni saku
Yoru wa otozureru tabi ni ikudo mo
Tsumetai te de oretachi no kubisuji wo yasashiku nadeta

Tasogare wo uragitte tomoru kibou no se ni sugari
Oikaketa jigoku e to mukatteru to shitemo

Yume no tsuzuki ga mitai nara omae wa nani wo sashidaseru?
Akuma wa amaku sasayaita shikabane de michi wo tsukure
Kono kabe no mukou ni nani ga aru?
Osanaki hibi ni akogareta shinjitsu wa sugu soko ni aru
Shikabane no michi no saki ni

Hakoniwa de kurikaesu itami to urami no ruupu
Nagarekomu kioku no hate jiyuu no imi wo tou
Aa... kanousei ni michiteita hazu no
Shounentachi no utsuwa ni unmei wa sorezore nani wo fukikonda
Sore wa dare no higan ka dare no yume ka
Kanashimi nikushimi ga majiwatte
Guren no ya wa tagai wo mezasu
Tori no tsubasa ni akogareta hito wa sora e to habatakeru
Akuma wa zuruku usobuita shikabane yo michi wo tadore
Kono sora no mukou ni nani ga aru?
Osanaki hibi ni torawareta
Sekijitsu no hi ga terashidasu shikabane no michi no saki wo

Sora no ue kara mitara ittai nani ga mieru no darou
Koko de wa nai dokoka e itte mitakatta
Osanaki hibi ni yumemita hiroi sekai no hate ni wa
Memai wo oboeru hodo fujouri ga hisomu
Jiyuu wo yumemita daishou wa tsumetai tsuchi no beddo
Toki ni kami no sugata karite seigi wa kiba wo muku
Ori no naka mo ori no soto mo hitoshiku jigoku ka.......

Tsumi no omosa wo seou hodo fumidasu ashi ni imi ga aru
Akuma wa hikuku tsubuyaita shikabane no michi wo susume
Kono yami no mukou ni nani ga aru?
Osanaki hibi ni norowareta genjitsu wa itsu mukuwareru?
Shikabane no michi no saki de
《yumiya》 ga kakenuketa kiseki
《tsubasa》 wo chirashite
《shinzou》 wo tabanetemo
《rekuiemu》 ni wa hayasugiru
Taiyou wa mada shizundeinai no dakara

Susumi tsuzukeru nami no kanata e...
[ Correct these Lyrics ]

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[TV Version]

That day, humanity remembered

The shadows moving through the darkness give you an uneasy feeling
The uncertain future blooms on the thin ice, ready to be picked up
Every time night's curtain fell, our napes were touched by those cold, menacing hands

Turning our backs on the dusk, We clung to the back of hope
And we pursued the truth, well knowing we are heading straight to hell
What will you relinquish to make this dream come true?
The devil temptingly whispers "Tread your path with corpses"
"What lies beyond these walls?" This is the truth we pursued in our youthful days
We can finally grasp the truth, we just need to tread on the corpses

The arrows will fly over their heads
We will spread our wings and fly
Our hearts will be bundled up
But it is still too early to sing a requiem
As the sun is yet to submerge behind the horizon

And we will follow the waves that are straying from us...

[Full Version]

(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und der Leichen)

That day, humanity remembered

The shadows moving through the darkness give you an uneasy feeling
The uncertain future blooms on the thin ice, ready to be picked up
Every time night's curtain fell, our napes were touched by those cold, menacing hands

Turning our backs on the dusk, We clung to the back of hope
And we pursued the truth, well knowing we are heading straight to hell
What will you relinquish to make this dream come true?
The devil temptingly whispers "Tread your path with corpses"
"What lies beyond these walls?" This is the truth we pursued in our youthful days
We can finally grasp the truth, we just need to tread on the corpses

The cycle of remorse and resentment resounds in our small birdcage
And at the far-away end of our memories, we ask ourselves "what is the meaning of freedom?"
Ah... The young vessels who have fallen in the whirlpool of possibilities
What will the zephyr of fate offer them?
Was it someone's vow to save humanity? Or was it someone else's aspiration?
Sorrow and hatred change places
But the crimson arrow aims for both
Humanity yearned for wings, so they flew to the skies
But the deceitful devil lies about everything he sees, as we follow the path of corpses
"What lies on the other side of the sky?"
In our youthful days we were just captive animals
But now, the light of the long-gone days shines and lights our path corpses

I wonder what you would see from up the skies
I wanted to go to another place far away from here
I always dreamed in my youthful days that the edge of this world
Would be something that would exceed my expectations and astonish me with its grandeur
The price of wanting freedom is a frozen bed of dirt
Sometimes we lend the face of God and justice shows us its fangs
Just like living inside a cage was hell so is living outside of it

Even though we are burdened by our sins, heading forward still has a meaning
The devil mutters "Follow the path of corpses"
"What lies beyond this darkness?"
"The truth we were cursed with in our youth!"
Someday we will be rewarded, by following the path of corpses

The arrows will fly over their heads
We will spread our wings and fly
Our hearts will be bundled up
But it is still too early to sing a requiem
As the sun is yet to submerge behind the horizon

And we will follow the waves that are straying from us...
[ Correct these Lyrics ]

[show all]



黄昏を裏切って 灯る希望の背に縋り
追いかけた 地獄へと向かっていると知っても





(Der Weg der Sehnsucht und der Leichen)


薄闇の中進む影は 誰も心許なく
不確かな未来はいつだって 薄氷の上に咲く
冷たい手で俺たちの首筋を 優しく撫でた
黄昏を裏切って 灯る希望の背に縋り
追いかけた 地獄へと 向かってるとしても

夢の続きが見たいなら お前は何を差し出せる?
悪魔は甘く囁いた 屍で道を作れ
幼き日々に憧れた 真実はすぐそこにある

箱庭で繰り返す 悼みと恨みのループ
流れ込む記憶の果て 自由の意味を問う
少年達の器に 運命は其々 何を吹き込んだ
それは 誰の悲願か 誰の夢か
悲しみ 憎しみが交わって
鳥の翼に憧れた 人は空へと羽ばたける
悪魔は狡く嘯いた 屍よ道を辿れ
昔日の灯が照らし出す 屍の道の先を

空の上から見たら 一体何が見えるのだろう
ここではない何処かへ 行ってみたかった
幼き日々に夢見た 広い世界の果てには
目眩を覚えるほど 不条理が潜む
自由を夢見た代償は 冷たい土のベッド
時に神の姿借りて 正義は牙を剥く
檻の中も檻の外も 等しく地獄か……。

罪の重さを背負うほど 踏み出す足に意味がある
悪魔は低く呟いた 屍の道を進め
幼き日々に呪われた 現実はいつ報われる?

進み続ける 波の彼方へ…
[ Correct these Lyrics ]

[ Thanks to andrailie27 for adding these lyrics ]
[ Thanks to Sekailyrics for adding these lyrics ]
[ Thanks to Sanihara_chuu, moirin.696, birch, peti11fecs, sennenhakushaku22, primalturbo11, merincyriac00, LulzTV for correcting these lyrics ]
Writer: Revo
Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Back to: Attack on Titan

Japanese Title: 憧憬と屍の道
Description: Season 3 Part 2 Season 3 Opening 2
From Anime: Attack on Titan (進撃の巨人)
From Season: Spring 2019
Performed by: Linked Horizon
Lyrics by: Revo
Composed by: Revo
Arranged by: Revo
Episodes: 50-54, 56, 58-59
Released: June 19th, 2019

[Correct Info]

Japanese Title: 進撃の巨人
Also Known As:
  • Shingeki no Kyojin
  • AoT
  • 進撃の巨人 The Final Season Part 2
  • 進撃の巨人 The Final Season
  • 進撃の巨人 Season 3
  • 進撃の巨人 Season 2
Related Anime:
Original Release Date:
  • Movie: Kanketsu-hen - The Last Attack: November 8th, 2024
  • The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen: March 4th, 2023
  • Season 4 Part 2: January 9th, 2022
  • Season 4 Part 1: December 7th, 2020
  • Season 3 Part 2: April 28th, 2019
  • Season 3 Part 1: July 23rd, 2018
  • Movie | Season 2 Kakusei no Houkou: January 13th, 2018
  • Season 2: April 1st, 2017
  • Movie | Jiyuu no Tsubasa - Kouhen: June 27th, 2015
  • OAD 0.5A&B | Kuinaki Sentaku: December 9th, 2014
  • Movie | Guren no Yumiya - Zenpen: November 22nd, 2014
  • Season 1: April 7th, 2013
Released: 2013

[Correct Info]

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