Japanese Title: 沖縄で好きになった子が方言すぎてツラすぎる English Title: OKITSURA: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Know What She's Saying Also Known As:
Teru Nakamura, who transferred to Okinawa, fell in love with a classmate, Kiyama-san. He thought this would be the start of his dream high school life... But there’s a catch—he can’t understand a word of her Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan dialect)!!
Luckily, Higa-san, who translates her dialect for him, has been helping him all the time. However... it turns out that Higa-san is actually secretly in love with Teru!?
In this southern island that’s completely different from Tokyo, a slightly unusual cross-cultural romance begins!