Asleep or awake, I was always gazing yearningly at both the playfully floating evening sun and the sun that completely sank down.
My shoulder feels warm next to yours, but my heart is aching.
Hug me tight. I always loved you more than anyone else. My awakened dream was about to vanish into tomorrow, so I tried to get a good feel of your warmth.
I don't have the right to stay by your side, for I have an unspeakable secret. I can no longer hide this sand castle that's being washed away by the waves.
In that place, where I confessed my feelings, let me tell you everything.
Hug me tight. You took me in, even my weakness. My dream is already continuing into all directions. With your love, I will become stronger.
I'm really sorry about this whimsical detour. Like in a dream, we walk straight ahead shoulder-to-shoulder. I will not let go of your hand.
Hug me tight. I always loved you more than anyone else. Forever and ever, I will love you, and we will become one in the holy night.
Asleep or awake, I was always gazing yearningly at both the playfully floating evening sun and the sun that completely sank down.
My shoulder feels warm next to yours, but my heart is aching.
Hug me tight. I always loved you more than anyone else. My awakened dream was about to vanish into tomorrow, so I tried to get a good feel of your warmth.
I don't have the right to stay by your side, for I have an unspeakable secret. I can no longer hide this sand castle that's being washed away by the waves.
In that place, where I confessed my feelings, let me tell you everything.
Hug me tight. You took me in, even my weakness. My dream is already continuing into all directions. With your love, I will become stronger.
I'm really sorry about this whimsical detour. Like in a dream, we walk straight ahead shoulder-to-shoulder. I will not let go of your hand.
Hug me tight. I always loved you more than anyone else. Forever and ever, I will love you, and we will become one in the holy night.