Japanese Title: 激おこ☆Guilty English Title: Super Angry Guilty Description:
Insert Song (ep 22) From Anime:
Sousei no Onmyouji
(双星の陰陽師) Performed by:
Suzu (cv: Wakai Yuki) Additional Info:
(also in ep 32) Wakai Yuki (若井友希) is also one of the six members of the idol group i☆Ris Released:
Omae no ??? yokumo ima made baka ni shi ta na jojo shakuryo no yochi wa nashi jigoku no mon wa ima hirakare Welcome to my hell! Welcome to my hell! sa ima koso zange suru ga ii jigoku no mon wa ima hirakare Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty? To die! To die!
Kill me! ira nai zenbu moyase, moyase subete wo *** Destroy kowashi te shimae tomodachi kaisha mo konoyo no zenbu
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tonari no ouchi no jiji mo guilty Kill me! ira nai zenbu moyase, moyase subete wo moyase konoyo ni afureru muda nado nakuse konoyo ni habikoru ??? sekkin, sekkin, sekkin ??? Kill you, kill you, kill you, I'll kill you!
Your judgement's arrived now And you thought you could just mock me? Keep hoping for a reprieve, but none is coming! Because the gate to Hell's about to open! Welcome to my hell! Welcome to my hell! Time to repent in the end! Because the door to hell is about to open! Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty? To die! To die!
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Kill me! I don't need any of it! Burn it down, burn it down, let it all ****! Destroy, leave nothing standing! Your friends, your jobs, everything in the world! You don't need anything because you're guilty! And the old folks next door are guilty, too! Kill me! I don't need any of it! Burn it down, burn it down, let it all burn! Get rid of all the pointless crap in the world! Let all the rot in the world be blown away! Closer, closer, closer, until it's over! Kill you, kill you, kill you, I'll kill you!
お前の??? よくも今まで馬鹿にしたな 情状酌量の余地はなし 地獄の門は今開かれ Welcome to my hell! Welcome to my hell! さあ今こそ懺悔するがいい 地獄の門は今開かれ Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty? To die! To die!
Omae no ??? yokumo ima made baka ni shi ta na jojo shakuryo no yochi wa nashi jigoku no mon wa ima hirakare Welcome to my hell! Welcome to my hell! sa ima koso zange suru ga ii jigoku no mon wa ima hirakare Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty? To die! To die!
Kill me! ira nai zenbu moyase, moyase subete wo *** Destroy kowashi te shimae tomodachi kaisha mo konoyo no zenbu
tonari no ouchi no jiji mo guilty Kill me! ira nai zenbu moyase, moyase subete wo moyase konoyo ni afureru muda nado nakuse konoyo ni habikoru ??? sekkin, sekkin, sekkin ??? Kill you, kill you, kill you, I'll kill you!
Your judgement's arrived now And you thought you could just mock me? Keep hoping for a reprieve, but none is coming! Because the gate to Hell's about to open! Welcome to my hell! Welcome to my hell! Time to repent in the end! Because the door to hell is about to open! Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty? To die! To die!
Kill me! I don't need any of it! Burn it down, burn it down, let it all ****! Destroy, leave nothing standing! Your friends, your jobs, everything in the world! You don't need anything because you're guilty! And the old folks next door are guilty, too! Kill me! I don't need any of it! Burn it down, burn it down, let it all burn! Get rid of all the pointless crap in the world! Let all the rot in the world be blown away! Closer, closer, closer, until it's over! Kill you, kill you, kill you, I'll kill you!
お前の??? よくも今まで馬鹿にしたな 情状酌量の余地はなし 地獄の門は今開かれ Welcome to my hell! Welcome to my hell! さあ今こそ懺悔するがいい 地獄の門は今開かれ Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty? To die! To die!