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Ramen Akaneko Lyrics

Red Cat Ramen Lyrics

Opening Theme Akaneko (Red Cat) Ending Theme Honjitsu no Osusume
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Japanese Title: ラーメン赤猫
English Title: Red Cat Ramen
Original Release Date:
  • July 4th, 2024
Released: 2024

[Correct Info]

At the cat-run shop "Ramen Akaneko," a human named Tamako visits for a part-time job interview. When she honestly admits to being a dog person, she was hired on the spot, and her assigned job is to take care of the cats. Through brushing them, she glimpses the various patterns of the cats, while various customers weave their own human stories.

At "Ramen Akaneko," where both body and soul are warmed, love is served generously. Enjoy your meal

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