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Ninja Kamui Lyrics

Opening Theme Vengeance Ending Themes Eye Openers Chain Reaction Insert Songs Stillness Erupt We Gon' Do Thi$ Bitter Sweet Legend Begin Super Volcano
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Original Release Date:
  • Original Release:: February 11th, 2024
Released: 2024

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Appearing as an ordinary man, Joe Logan enjoys a quiet existence in the countryside with his family. Little do others know, the Logans have adopted false identities to flee Joe's dark past as a deadly ninja assassin. Despite believing his past is buried, Joe's peace is shattered when his family is ruthlessly murdered by members of his former clan.

Left on the brink of death, Joe miraculously survives and finds himself in a hospital, grappling with how he cheated death. Detectives Emma Samanda and Mike Moriss, assigned to investigate the Logan family's tragedy, witness another attempt on Joe's life. But this time, Joe fights back using his secret skills, shedding his new identity in the process.

Reverting to his old self, Joe embraces his ninja persona, vowing to eradicate the organization he once served for vengeance. With the help of the detectives, Joe embarks on a relentless pursuit to destroy his past and the demons it holds.

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