The earth, that clams down under the infinite sky The water, that reflects the moon which waxes and wanes
I lean my heart against the Cleyera A sprit of spoken words become light and dances around I will purely devote myself to the Laelia So that I won't be woken up from a faint dream
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Beats that keep time They merge and melt together The warmth I just felt, I keep it in my heart forever Cleyera
The earth, that clams down under the infinite sky The water, that reflects the moon which waxes and wanes
I lean my heart against the Cleyera A sprit of spoken words become light and dances around I will purely devote myself to the Laelia So that I won't be woken up from a faint dream
Beats that keep time They merge and melt together The warmth I just felt, I keep it in my heart forever Cleyera