Fate/strange Fake revolves around an imperfect replica of the Grail War, inspired by the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki. After the conclusion of the original war, a US-based group of mages, distinct from the London-based Mage Association, used data from Fuyuki's Grail War to design their own ritual. Seventy years later, they chose Snowfield as the site for their version of the Grail War. However, they were unable to perfectly replicate the original ritual, resulting in an imitation that lacks the Saber class and has led to the summoning of unusual Servants, as the definition of a "hero" has become increasingly blurred.
Rohngall and his pupil, Faldeus, are sent by the Mage Association to investigate Snowfield and the state of the war. However, Faldeus, a spy working for the US organization, arranges for Rohngall to be killed upon his arrival—despite knowing Rohngall is merely a puppet. Faldeus declares that their Holy Grail War is genuine and has been in development for years, sparking an uproar at the Clock Tower, and announces his intention to "promote" the project to the Mage Association.